As a new member this rule book will become your best friend. Get to know these pages well, they may be the only thing between you and a dirt nap.
Welcome to Assassins, a game of kill or be killed. This is a game of stealth, cunning, subterfuge, and trickery. This is a game of survival where players kill to live until there is only one left, the best of the best, the alpha, the omega, and the deadliest person on the planet…the winner.
This game is run tournament style. Everyone will never have more than one target at a time. If you kill your target, you take their target, kill them and so forth. Last assassin alive wins…simple.
At the start of a game players will be assigned 1 target to kill, you may kill them anyway you see fit, using weapons approved by The Brain. Once a target has been killed you and your target must notify The Brain with all the details such as time, place, weapon used, and some more background info, then The Brain will confirm the kill and award it to you. When you have killed your assigned target you then take from them their assigned target and for you, the game continues. Players are only allowed to kill once every 24 hours, sorry, no Godfather style multi-hits allowed.
Every player in the game is an assassin, every hunter is the prey, and every prey is the hunter…make sense? You must at all times keep your identity a secret, because you never know who is playing the game, you brother, girlfriend, mom, or physics teacher…be ready for an attempt on your life at all times.
Once players are killed they are out of the game, but they still have a job left to do. Once dead, a player can become a zombie. Zombies are The Brains’ police force in the game, it is their job to observe as much of the rest of the game as they can. If a zombie catches you cheating or playing outside the rules, they can notify The Brain and will be given permission to kill you, thus ending your game, so play with honor.
This is not a game of strength or physicality, it’s about smarts. The Brain does not want to hear any stories of a players throwing their target to the ground and viciously clubbing them with a spoon to get their kill. This game is about being secretive; you don’t ever want anyone else to know you are an assassin. REMEMBER while you are out looking for your target, another assassin is out looking for you. You will need to watch your back at all times, because if you die, that’s it, game over man.
Be smart about your kills, set them up, and take your time. Don’t try running across the bar with your weapon exposed and screaming “I got you” at your target. If a target spots an assassin before the assassin makes the kill, that attempt is foiled; the assassin must return to the drawing board and formulate another plan. If your are sitting next to your target and try to kill them and they catch you, don’t sit next to them for 3 more hours trying to kill them every 15 seconds, that’s a lame ass way to assassinate someone, and it’s not allowed either. If your target runs away, give chase, or don’t, it’s up to you, but to kill you have to make physical contact with the head, arms, or torso. Hands, legs, and feet don’t count.
No kills allowed at work, church, or while target is pooping, that’s just good form.
Every player is allowed to register 3 weapons with The Brain, these are the only weapons you can use for the rest of the game, no taking the weapons of target, bury them with it. Every player is allowed to use Poison without having to register it, because it’s awesome.
All weapons must be approved by The Brain before the start of the game.
Acceptable Weapons and how to use them
· Gun: cardboard or paper cutout of any size. Must be clearly labeled “gun”. USE- point blank, must yell or say “bang” when fired. Bust some caps homey.
· Knife: cardboard or paper cutout. Must be labeled “knife”. USE- a light poke in the torso, try to to avoid eye gouging. Be stylish and go for the ear to ear.
· Clubs: paper towel or toilet paper tube, clearly labeled “club”. USE-a light bonk on the head. You can yell “hulk smash” if you want to.
· Grenades: tennis ball, rolled up socks, ping pong ball. USE-must be thrown…don’t be a jerk, toss it lightly. No toss backs.
· Beach Ball: must be labeled “boulder” or “anvil”. USE-must be dropped on target. Take em out Wile E. Coyote style.
· Rubber Bands: Must be hand fired to USE. Now you can be the third man on the grassy knoll.
· Spoons: any plastic, wooden or metal spoon. USE-same as knife. Spoons are the most honorable form of combat in this game, as close to a lightsabre as you’re going to get.
· Markers: any sharpie, any color. USE-make a small dot only on exposed skin, no clothes. Leave your mark on the world.
· Chloroform: any clean bandanna. USE-quickly place over targets mouth or nose, then quickly remove…the important part is quickly remove. Resist the urge to pants your target while they are unconscious.
· Food Poison: a small piece of paper with the word “poison” written on it. USE-place the paper under food or tape under glass or can, after consumed, inform target of their impending death. If the poison is spotted by target before they consume it, the poison won’t work. A poisoners’ work is a patient one, simply set your trap, and then sit back as the target seals their own fate.
· Dynamite Stick: a red crayon. USE-drop into the targets pockets, pants or shirt. Then run like hell so you don’t get people mist on your suit.
Bonus Objectives
At any point during the game The Brain may announce a bonus objective for prizes. Bonus objectives are worth your time, trust me.
VIP- When a VIP comes to town The Brain will make their identity known to you. It is your job to take them out as quick as you can, before someone else does.
Bounty Hunter-If a prisoner or deranged lunatic is on the loose, The Brains friends in the FBI may ask for his help in recapturing them. The Brain will then ask for your help in recapturing them, and when you’re done, he will take all the credit. To capture, attach a beacon (clothespin) to their clothes and the FBI chopper will come in to extract them. TIP: the fugitive may not notice the beacon right away if you avoid clipping it to their skin.
Magical Safety Items
Sometimes The Brain will discover new items that have magical properties, cus he’s got it like that. These items will make you impervious to damage for 24 hours from the time you put it on. All items must be clearly displayed, and you must notify The Brain as soon as you don magical item, and don’t lie, because he will know, he always knows. If you see your target wearing something that you know is a magical item, it might be a good idea to wait until they take it off so you don’t blow your super secret identity.
· Never tell anyone that you are an assassin, unless you really trust them.
· Never tell anyone who your target is, unless you trust them.
· No physicality at all, this is for funzies, not for hurtzies.
· Be smart, have fun, but don’t get arrested…The Brain will tell the cops he never met you.
· Kills must be confirmed by the killer and the killed to count.
· Don’t cheat, we’ll find out.
This game is 'Serious Cat' approved.

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